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Upgrade from 1.0.2 to 2.0.0

Dropped functionality

  • "Old" collector configurations using specific keys for each collector no longer triggers deprecation warning and no longer work. For fixes and affected collectors, see
  • Config key use_relative_path_from_depfile was unused internally and has been dropped
  • Collector className has been dropped. It was aliased to classLike internally. Going forward, use classLike collector instead.
  • %depfileDirectory% config variable has been dropped. use %projectDirectory% instead.

Known BC breaks

  • Newly exceptions are now exposed in the contract (
  • Updated result generation, changing contract signature (
  • CollectorInterface can now throw new exception (
  • Changed output of ConsoleFormatter (
  • Changed default dependency emitters from CLASS_TOKEN + USE_TOKEN to CLASS_TOKEN + FUNCTION_TOKEN. You can get the old behaviour by explicitly specifying the old emitters in your config file.
  • Method addWarnings was removed from AnalysisResult. Use addWarning instead.
  • Method isViolationSkipped was removed from EventHelper. Use addSkippableViolation instead.

Upgrade from 0.20 to 0.21

Depfile (Configuration File)

In order to fix an issue where the same parameter from an imported file was being replaced instead of merged, we needed to reinstate the semantic configuration that was previously removed. We recommend switching back to semantic configuration, especially if you rely on imports.

The following parameters can now be moved to deptrac::

  • paths
  • exclude_files
  • layers
  • ruleset
  • skip_violations
  • formatters
  • analyser
  • use_relative_path_from_depfile
  • ignore_uncovered_internal_classes

The examples and documentation were updated accordingly.

Upgrade from 0.19 to 0.20


  • You must now use the new --config-file option instead of providing the configuration file (Depfile) as command argument

Depfile (Configuration File)

  • The baseline parameter was removed. You can use imports instead.
  • The ruleset is no longer checked for undefined layers. They will be silently ignored instead.
  • The parameter use_relative_path_from_depfile no longer exists. It is replaced by a projectDirectory parameter, which by default points to %depfileDirectory% and can be changed to %currentWorkingDirectory% or any other base directory you want to use as reference for relative paths.

Baseline Formatter

  • The default filename created by the baseline formatter changed.
    From: depfile.baseline.yml
    To:   deptrac.baseline.yaml
    If you are not using the -o|--output= option, then you will end up with 2 files (old and new one) and likely import the old one in your main deptrac.yaml. You can avoid this by using the -o option or updating your deptrac.yaml and removing the old baseline file.

Upgrade from 0.18 to 0.19

Depfile (Configuration File)


  • The location of the default configuration file has changed.

    From: ./depfile.yaml
    To:   ./deptrac.yaml
  • The configuration inside the file must now be nested under parameters: except for imports. See docs for examples.


In your depfile.yaml you can just add a new section parameters: at the top and then indent the remaining config 1 level under this section. The only exception is imports which should stay on its current level and should not be nested under parameters.

Example: From: To:

After that, you can rename the file to deptrac.yaml to avoid the displayed warning and ensure the file will automatically be loaded in future versions. Alternatively you can keep your filename and make sure you load it via the new --config-file option in the relevant commands instead of as an argument.


In the future, we want to allow adding services to the configuration to extend Deptrac's functionality, e.g. by providing custom collectors. That is why we must separate the config into dedicated sections parameters and services.